Devesh Rajarshi WP Pluginsify - Your Weekly WordPress Plugins Resource Tue, 06 Oct 2020 12:03:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Devesh Rajarshi 32 32 How to Increase Store Sales: Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Boost Sales and Performance Wed, 08 Aug 2018 07:32:40 +0000 The pace at which WordPress is expanding is simply remarkable. It has now become a powerhouse for many big websites including famous brands like Van Heusen and even The Rolling Stones. The ability to extend its functionalities without compromising its easy-to-use interface is something that makes it so professional. The first step of boosting your [...]

The post How to Increase Store Sales: Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Boost Sales and Performance appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

The pace at which WordPress is expanding is simply remarkable. It has now become a powerhouse for many big websites including famous brands like Van Heusen and even The Rolling Stones. The ability to extend its functionalities without compromising its easy-to-use interface is something that makes it so professional.

The first step of boosting your sales is actually getting people to your website. More traffic, especially the relevant type, will translate into more sales. You can gain additional visitors by using Schema code. There are multiple WP plugins for ratings, reviews, and other schema types. We especially recommend this FAQ Schema Plugin – it comes with a handy FAQ builder and is free.

In the recent years, there has been a significant growth in the eCommerce marketplace. A vast majority of businesses and multi-national companies have started to use WordPress in order to increase their presence.

There are various solutions available that can help you add the necessary eCommerce functionalities to your WordPress site. WooCommerce, for example, is known for its ability to turn your simple website into a sales-generating online store. You can install extra plugins to help you manage orders, allow other vendors to sell their products on your store, and much more.

This article looks into the top 5 plugins that you can integrate with your website in order to efficiently manage your store, orders, boost sales, and eventually increase your store performance. These WordPress solutions are popular and can be easily used for all types of business models. So let’s dive into and see how they work.

Yoast SEO

Probably the first plugin that one should install is the SEO plugin from Yoast. It has many necessary built-in features that will guide search engines like Google and Bing well through your product pages. Upon installing this plugin, you would be able to see the famous Yoast SEO Metabox on the post edit screen. In this section, you can add the meta-title and the description of your products or pages.

You can also target a keyword for your product which can help increase the organic traffic coming down to your website. Once you have set the focus keyword, the Yoast SEO plugin automatically analyzes the entire page. Thereafter, it rates the key elements on the page and recommends to you the steps you should take to improve the SEO capability of your page.

Yoast SEO is the the first plugin that one should install..

Another good thing about this plugin is that you don’t have to worry about the XML Sitemaps. This plugin automatically generates the XML Sitemaps for your website and the shares this information with the search engines.

Also, this plugin has a search console incorporated into it, which tells you how your website will perform in the search results. And if you don’t want search engines to show a particular product then you can mention that as well.

The plugin also allows you to hide specific pages, blogs, categories, etc, which can be useful in many cases. And with the right business strategies, you can even boost sales to a good level. There are many more benefits of using this plugin on your WordPress-based store. So click here to know more about it.


Whether you’re selling items online or just within your city or state, marketing has always been quite a challenge. But with the introduction of Beeketing, you can optimize the conversion rates and grow more potential customers. It offers some of the most amazing tools to help you with that.

These tools, in general, help track your customers’ behavior which helps you create offers for them. It also tells you who is coming to make a purchase, their details and what do they do while they’re in your store. This is a very good way for you to know which products are performing poorly and you can create a new plan to reverse that.

Beeketing is the perfect plugin to optimize the conversion rates and grow more potential customers.

The plugin also allows you to create Upsell and Cross-sell products. The Upsell will help you sell the more expensive or another relevant version of the product that the customer is interested in. Cross-sell, on the other hand, will help you sell additional products along with the same product.

You can even use this plugin up-sell extra items along with your WooCommerce Bookings. Here’s an interesting article for you to know more about upselling with a bookings plugin.

With Beeketing, you can highlight the best selling products, recently viewed products, Who Bought This Also Bought products, etc., to your potential buyers. What’s even great is that you can also put together or bundle up a few products together to sell even more products.

Although there are other plugins in the WordPress repository that does that, they are not as refined as Beeketing. In case you want to know more about the benefits of using this plugin then follow this link.

WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Pro

There’s a lot you can do on your online store. With WooCommerce installed on your WordPress, you can exercise a whole lot of flexibility with your products, manage orders and ship items to your customers.

This’s where the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Pro plugin shines up. Basically, this plugin helps you set up shipping rules in order to calculate the rates for a combination of conditions. So if the items in the cart satisfy all the conditions, the calculated shipping cost will appear on the Cart page. With this plugin, you can create an unlimited number of rules and target the right buyer for your store.

WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Pro helps you set up shipping rules to calculate rates.

The plugin works with multiple shipping parameters and lets you control them as well. So, you can set up Table Rate and Flat-rate shipping based on product/order total weight, product quantity in cart, the total price of all items in the cart, different product categories, WooCommerce shipping classes, WooCommerce shipping zones, destination country, zip/pin codes, and much more.

By controlling these many parameters, you can easily set up any business scenario. For example, you can do something like, the cost of shipping for the first item is $20, then add $5 for additional items. Or something like Free Shipping to the US, $10 per item for Canadian orders and $50 for international orders.

You can also set a weight limit and offer Free Shipping on orders below this limit, and charge $20 for every 2lbs beyond his limit. The plugin also offers you to import or export the shipping rules using a CSV file. You can also choose to create rules in this CSV file and then upload it to the plugin. Here’s an article that will help you know more about it.

Refer A Friend for WooCommerce by WPGens

Referrals are really important when it comes to building customers and bringing traffic to your store. One of the main reasons why this technique works is because people tend to trust their friends’ recommendations. If you recommend a particular online store to your friend then there is a high chance that he or she will check it out. And they might even end up buying something they like.

Refer A Friend for WooCommerce plugin works in a similar way. It has systems that allow you to reward your referrals with coupons that they can use to get discounts when purchasing on your store. This can call for a chain reaction of referrals that could be really beneficial for your sales.

The Refer A Friend plugin has systems that allow you to reward your referrals with coupons.

You can set up the coupons, offer free products, define minimum order. Determine whether the coupon is product specific or not. Set a coupon expiry date, set up email templates, and much more.

You can also choose to reward the first referral or reward both the referral and his or her friend. This option can prove to be really good for generating customer-base. Also, using this plugin, your referrals can see their statistics on how many people he or she referred.

On the admin side, you can check the statistics of each referral as well. You can also check whether any order was made through a particular referral. You get these features and benefits in the premium version of the plugin.

WooCommerce Product Search

The WooCommerce Product Search is a plugin that has been designed keeping one thing in mind, to help your buyers choose the right products quickly. Just like any search engine.

When a customer enters a keyword, the plugin displays the right product for him or her. This feature is quite amazing when you think of increasing the overall performance of your online store. This will also keep them engaged and let them browse and further explore your products, which is really great.

Boost Sales and Performance - WooCommerce Product Search helps buyers choose the right products quickly.

You get fields like Live Search which completely changes the search experience for your customers. With this feature, customers can get to see the matching products as they type. It also displays the products along with their featured images and cost. Customers can directly add the product to the cart right from there.

Another specific functionality that can help you a lot is the ability to add weights to the products parameter – Title, Excerpt, Content, and Tags. These weights will determine which one should be prioritized in the search result.

Another important thing to note is that you’ll have to replace the default WooCommerce search with this plugin. You follow this link to know how to do that. And if you really like the plugin and think that it can really help your online business prosper, then feel free to check it out.

Final Words

Hope this article was of use to you in some way. These plugins are really great when it comes to increasing sales and store performance altogether. So if you find any one of them really useful for your WooCommerce-based business then you should really check them out.

Happy selling!

The post How to Increase Store Sales: Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Boost Sales and Performance appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

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How WooCommerce Bookings helps you Grow your Business Immensely Mon, 04 Jun 2018 07:19:41 +0000 WooCommerce plays an important role in bringing businesses to a much larger audience. You can use this eCommerce platform to run all sorts and types of businesses. Installing some useful plugins and multipurpose themes can really get your business going. As you know, there are various businesses that require customers to pre-book certain services or [...]

The post How WooCommerce Bookings helps you Grow your Business Immensely appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

WooCommerce plays an important role in bringing businesses to a much larger audience. You can use this eCommerce platform to run all sorts and types of businesses. Installing some useful plugins and multipurpose themes can really get your business going.

As you know, there are various businesses that require customers to pre-book certain services or resources. Thankfully, WordPress repository hosts a bunch of bookings plugins. So, if you also need a booking system for your website then you can install any one of them. These plugins can really make your life much easier.

But, do I really need a bookings plugin for my business? What are the benefits of installing a bookings plugin? How can this solution help me save my time?

A perfect bookings setup can help you in many ways. No matter what business your run, a booking solution can be easily molded according to your needs. It will not only help you build a structured booking system, it can get your brand popular among people. What’s important is that it can help convert potential buyers into paying customers.

Advantages of Using a Bookings Website

Though there can be minor disadvantages of using a booking solution like you’d always need a constant internet connection, strong servers, etc. But they shouldn’t bother you a lot, so let’s not worry about it.

On the other hand, there are, in fact, various benefits of using a Booking solution when compared to the disadvantages. Let us go through some of the major advantages.

1. You Are Always Ready for Reservations

This is one of the most important and much-needed benefits of a bookings plugin. By using an online booking setup, you are always ready for your clients to book even if you’re are not physically present. So, when you are out on a holiday or relaxing on your couch on a Sunday afternoon, your clients won’t have to wait until the next day to book. Bookings will be open 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

As a consequence, your clients can book whenever they want and you or your employees don’t have to worry about that.

By using an online booking setup, you are always ready for your clients to book.

But wait, that doesn’t mean that you can’t change this rule. Some bookings plugins like the Free WordPress Booking Plugin for WooCommerce offer the non-working hours feature. Basically, using this feature you can show that you don’t work for two hours(lunch-break) every afternoon or don’t work only on Saturdays, then you can define it in the plugin settings.

Isn’t it cool?

So, with an online booking system for your WooCommerce business, you can attract and streamline reservations for a lot of people and eventually increase your bank balance.

2. Booking Systems Can Help You Save Up Money

In most offline booking setups handling payments can become an issue if not taken care. People book a service over the phone or via email and never show up. This can prove to be quite a problem, especially in businesses (like a wedding or party organizer) where the owner has to pre-arrange and prepare things for their customers.

But with WooCommerce supporting various in-built payment options, you can indirectly force your customers to pay for the reservations. It is a fact that people who pre-pay for a reservation are more likely to show up when compared to the ones who don’t. And clearly, this solution can be boon to almost all businesses and ultimately increase your income. In case if somebody needs to cancel a reservation, they can contact you.

Here is your chance to convince them otherwise, but only if they comply.

3. Lesser Admin Work, Hire Fewer People

In almost every booking-based businesses, owners hire admins who can handle bookings, confirmations, payments, etc. But hiring an admin can cost you money and room space. Moreover, there is always a chance of human error, and you wouldn’t want any two reservations clashing at the same time. Customers would only leave a negative feedback.

If you are just starting out then an online booking solution is a great choice.

So, if you are just starting out then an online booking solution is a great choice. What’s great is that you don’t have to hire a dedicated person to stay up in front of the screen all the time. This solution can automatically schedule the bookings and accept the payments, and then transfer the money to your account. You don’t even have to call the person to confirm the booking as most plugins send an automated email to the customers.

But, if you want to make that manual then you are free to do that as well. This way, only when you receive the full payment, you can accept the booking and trigger a confirmation email. You can also cancel a booking.

4. Manage Bookings in the Back-End

WooCommerce, without a doubt, has one of the best back-end order management capabilities. Thankfully, almost all bookings plugins come with the ability to manage bookings in the back-end. So, you can accept a booking, cancel a booking, modify the booking time-period, send a confirmation email to your customers, and much more.

Some good plugins also offer detailed insights into your business performance and analytics. With this data, you can see how your business is going this month and compare it with the previous month. Few other plugins have a dedicated customer review section where your clients leave their thoughts and feedback.

You can accept a booking, cancel a booking, modify the booking time-period etc.

Another amazing benefit of managing orders in the back-end is that it can help you plan necessary business strategies. For instance, if you find that people do not book a particular service just because it costs more, then you can choose to offer some discounts or coupons along with it. This can be a win-win situation for both you and your customers.

5. Area for Upselling

You should agree to the fact that upselling works, even for smaller businesses. You can add some extra items along with a particular booking to increase your overall sales. For instance, you can upsell a shampoo or soap that can go along with a spa appointment. People do add these extra items to their cart, but only if they are relevant. And if you wish to ship these items to your customers, then you can make use of some shipping plugins like the WooCommerce UPS Shipping Plugin.

WooCommerce Bookings Plugins - Make use of some shipping plugins like the WooCommerce UPS Shipping Plugin.

Sounds good, right?

But there is one thing to note here – upselling doesn’t always work with every business case. For example, if you have an online travel company and you provide holiday packages, then you should not sell other services along with it. This is because people expect everything to be included in the package and thus, they usually don’t prefer to pay extra. Likewise, you really need to figure out what works for your business and what doesn’t. You get my drift, right?

Common Businesses That Can Use an Online Booking Setup

Doctors Appointments: Doctors can create their own online booking solution. So, you and your admins don’t have to personally respond to the phone calls and emails with a calendar next to you. Using a dedicated online appointment booking solution, your patients can easily book the available time-slot.

Online Educational Courses: You can make use of an online booking system if you own an educational website. You can hire teachers who can provide dedicate time to teach your clients. Offer any college course, have yoga sessions, music lessons or even cooking tricks. You can also set a price and charge your customers hourly.

Personal Services: This kind of service is becoming more and more popular in bigger cities where people don’t have to time to do their daily chores. Basically, you can hire people to buy groceries for you, groom your pet, deliver food, etc. You can also offer other forms of services like nail-polishing, wedding decoration, house cleaning, and more.

Interviews and Counsellings: Interviews should always be pre-booked in order to avoid last-minute hassles. This way you can allow candidates to book the interview time-slot and be well-prepared for it. Counseling is another area where you can make use of a bookings plugin. Doesn’t matter if you provide career or marriage counseling, an appointment booking solution can really help you organize multiple bookings.

Entertainment Services: People like to celebrate their birthdays or anniversaries, and they often look for some party organizers. If you provide event organizers or singers or DJs, then you really need a booking website. Your clients can book a particular service and pay for it right then and there.

Closing Comments

The need for a booking system in a WooCommerce store cannot be ignored. Almost every bookings plugin is easy to configure and can prove to be suitable for most businesses. Even more, you can handle multiple bookings at the same time.

Having said that, people still struggle to find the right bookings plugin for their website. So, it is important to understand your needs and business requirements first, and then find the right plugin accordingly. Once you are successful in finding the right one, its a breeze after that.

The post How WooCommerce Bookings helps you Grow your Business Immensely appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

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