Infographic Archives - WP Pluginsify WP Pluginsify - Your Weekly WordPress Plugins Resource Wed, 11 Mar 2020 17:53:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Infographic Archives - WP Pluginsify 32 32 5 Key Elements You Must Include While Designing a Successful Infographic Thu, 11 Jul 2019 14:02:34 +0000 Over the past few years, the process of online content consuming has undergone extreme transformations. While there was a time when the audience used to rely upon text information, today, an approximate of 65% of people are visual learners. In such a scenario, you aren’t left with any reason to not integrate infographics in your [...]

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Over the past few years, the process of online content consuming has undergone extreme transformations. While there was a time when the audience used to rely upon text information, today, an approximate of 65% of people are visual learners.

In such a scenario, you aren’t left with any reason to not integrate infographics in your strategies. Moreover, the fact that infographics can help increase the website traffic by 12% can completely change the game for you.

Keeping in mind how the information is being shared on social media platforms, infographics have managed to gain a lot of popularity. Thus, if you follow the right directions for illustrations and text, you can do 323% better than your competitors.

So, this post is all about letting you know the key elements that you must include in your infographic to get the best results. But, before diving more in-depth, here’s all about infographics that you should know.

What Is an Infographic?

An infographic, also known as information graphic, is a mere representation of data in a visual format, which is quite exciting and fun to read.

They’re meant to simplify the complex information. Furthermore, they even make it easier for a not-so-techy-person to digest what the brand is trying to say. Adequate for almost every business, using infographics is one of the most valuable internet marketing tactics today.

Why Should You Use Infographics?

With infographics you can fetch more user engagement.

Human Brains Process Visuals Better

There’s no denying the fact that a human brain processes more information if it’s presented in a visual format. In fact, it’s been proved that pictorial data is processed 60,000 times faster than the text.

It’s one of the primary reasons why an appropriately designed infographic can fetch you more user engagement. Think about it; your audience is overloaded with the information already. In such a scenario, throwing a lengthy text isn’t going to churn any results, thanks to the boring reputation of text data.

On the other hand, if you visualize the same information, it takes a new form and attracts those who don’t like reading much; thereby, garnering more attention for your brand.

Perfect Way to Tell Stories

There was a time when marketers were simply using infographics to obtain links. That’s why they couldn’t gain such a fantastic response. But, today, instead of using it as a way to get links, infographics have become more of story-telling elements, impeccable to present facts and data.

Basically, it’s the stories and data behind an infographic that matter the most. But, when you present them visually, the concept becomes alive and are seen more positively by viewers.

An attractively designed infographic can be a substantial content marketing tool. But, ensure that it’s done in the correct format to communicate your story.

Easy to Share

Infographic is easy to share.

Apart from putting the required links in the infographic, you can even share them seamlessly. Whether it’s between team members, on social media platforms, or within articles; they’re a good way of sharing information.

This can be proven by the fact that 80% of marketers are using visual assets in social media marketing strategies. Furthermore, tweets that contain images get 18% more retweets than the ones without pictures.

Can Help Increase Conversions

Believe it or not, infographics can be an excellent tool for conversions. Let’s consider you’re selling products online, and you want to display what your online store has for the target audience.

Now, instead of writing down the product descriptions, benefits, and comparing prices, why shouldn’t you visualize this information? An infographic, with the right set of data, can make it evident for your buyers as to why they should select you over others.

Establish Your Brand’s Credibility

When you share factual data or knowledge about a specific topic, you enhance your brand’s credibility. This way, you can even establish yourself as a professional in the domain quite effortlessly.

Undoubtedly, the required research to create an attractive and successful infographic consumes experience, time, as well as knowledge. That’s something your readers wouldn’t have. So, why not you provide them the same?

Your audience is going to appreciate the newly-found knowledge and will also trust you the next time they’d look out for something in a similar niche.

Absolutely Great for SEO

Frequent optimization of your Content in WordPress is inevitable.

As mentioned above, infographics are more share-worthy than any other form of information. Their entire concept compels the audience to like, click, and share.

This, in turn, can coerce Google to index your site higher on the search result page, thanks to the Page Ranking algorithm of this search engine. Thus, not just by people, but infographics are taken seriously by Google as well.

Most Popular Types of Infographics

  • Statistical Infographic
Statistical Infographic
Image Source: Informaticsinc

These can be used if you want to visualize your survey results or present data from different sources. They’re also relevant if you’d want to support an argument with detailed data. They can include icons, charts, and images.

  • Informational Infographic
Informational Infographic
Image Source:

An informational infographic will be ideal if you wish to communicate a specific concept or provide an overview of a topic to your audience. Generally, such infographics are divided into different sections with headers.

  • List Infographic
List Infographic
Image Source: Venngage

If you want to share a list of resources, examples, or a collection of tips, this kind of infographic would be perfect for you. They’re eye-catching as well as straightforward. You can use bullet points, attractive colors, and creative fonts to design this one.

Key Elements That Your Successful Infographic Must Have

1. Begin with a Killer Headline

A compelling headline can intrigue a lot of people than you can imagine. Therefore, the headline of your infographic should have a curiosity factor. It should also grab their attention without disappointing or overpromising them.

Also, keep in mind that it isn’t too long. You can strive for almost 70 characters and nothing more than that. Wordy, long headlines can push people away.

The principle here would be the same as a good article. Make sure that your headline features:

  • Description for the infographic.
  • Element to grab users’ attention.
  • Understandable at a glance.

2. Visual Flow & Style

Your infographic must have a substantial visual presence to attract users. Generally, a majority of infographics read from top to bottom and left to right in a more vertical instead of horizontal format. This style is preferable as it displays natural reading patterns and eye movements.

However, there are a few other factors that you can keep in mind to improve the visual flow and style, such as:

  • Use a color palette, just like you’d do for any other designing project.
  • Follow a style guide to keep the consistency in check.
  • Keep the placement of information in the inverted pyramid form, putting the most critical points on the top.
  • Ensure adequate readability by breaking the information into different parts.
  • Don’t lose the context while transforming the text into visual elements.

3. Jaw-Dropping Statistics

Add Jaw-Dropping Statistics.

Almost all of the successful infographics focus on putting accurate data in front of the users. Of course, it’s a smart idea as a human mind processes statistics and percentages better than anything else. But, did you know 53% of the infographics don’t contain data visualization? Well, that’s true.

While creating a successful infographic, make sure that:

  • Your statistics are accurate and true.
  • Numbers are current and helpful.
  • The source is reliable.
  • Data representation matches the number.

If your infographic is relying on data, charts, and numbers, pay specific attention to this area and double-check it before publishing. Some of the popular topics that you can try include technology, social media, business, health, and the economy.

4. Optimization for Sharing

In case you didn’t know, posts with infographics attract 448% more actions in comparison with traditional posts. If you wish to have an exploded popularity for your successful infographic, you’d have to optimize it for sharing.

For that to happen, try adding:

  • Source information and URL.
  • Company logo.
  • Social media info.

Not just that, but you can also embed your successful infographic in your blog posts for more exposure. And then, you can also reach out to influencers in your niche and request them to feature it on their social media.

You can also add a call-to-action button in the successful infographic, compelling enough for the viewers to act accordingly.

5. Ample of Space

Since infographics can comprise a lot of information in small containers, allotting adequate white space is vital. You can simply use this space to attract users towards bits and pieces of information and give emphasis over it.

Consider these white spaces as standard resting points and use tactical spacing to give viewers a break in the correct places. This white space can also help create a balance between text elements and complicated images. Furthermore, it also keeps the entire design manageable.

Make sure you aren’t putting information in every nook and corner. It can make your entire infographic look cluttered, which is something that appeals nobody. In a way, space can be as essential as the information provided.

Wrapping Up

If you think infographics are dead, you might be gravely mistaken. They’re still attractive and very much alive. So, the next time you think of adopting a novice technique for marketing your brand, choose to create infographics.

Just keep these elements mentioned above in mind, and you can be sure of great results.

If you can think of anything else to add, or if you have some good tips, do let us know in the comments section.

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How to Use Attractive Visuals To Engage Your Audience Mon, 24 Jun 2019 12:00:34 +0000 Most people think that all you need is good content and you’ll have customers eating right off the palm of your hands. But words alone won’t cut it anymore. Why? Let me start with the most obvious fact: The average attention span of a human being has fallen to 8 seconds- much shorter than that [...]

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Most people think that all you need is good content and you’ll have customers eating right off the palm of your hands. But words alone won’t cut it anymore. Why?

Let me start with the most obvious fact: The average attention span of a human being has fallen to 8 seconds- much shorter than that of a goldfish. So you need to grab people’s attention fast and get them to stick around long enough to establish a relationship with them.

Second, content with visual aids gets 94% more views than content without.

Third, our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Needless to say, visual content is not only the future. It is an important part of content marketing in today’s volatile content marketing environment.

So how can you use graphic design and web design visuals to engage more audience?

It’s a great question. And one that deserves an answer.  And today, we’ll discuss how to use attractive graphic design visuals to engage your audience more.

Create Infographics

People use infographics as a visual way.

What’s there not to love about a good old fashioned infographic? You guessed right. Absolutely nothing. In fact, a lot of people use infographics as a visual way of keeping their audience engaged. And considering 65% of people are visual learners, it makes perfect sense to use infographics in your content.

Just one problem though. While a couple of years ago, you could get major attention just by using infographics, that’s not the case anymore. Now, everyone is making infographics so you need to ensure that yours are way better than the next guys.

Here are a few secrets to help you create better infographics.

1. Keep is

Remember the saying less is more? Well, it’s as true as ever when it comes to infographics. I mean think about it. Why else would Einstein go to such lengths to distill mass-energy relationship into five simple characters?

Probably for the same reason you go to lengths to ensure you have a simple web design– to make things less complicated for your audience. After all, humans love the simplicity and if you can’t explain it simply, then you probably don’t understand it well enough.

2. Keep it Focused

It’s easy to get carried away in the frenzy and make your infographic a potpourri of facts and figures. However, an infographic is not an attempt to assemble data and facts and slump them up together. It is intended to drive a focused point.

3. Show Things Visually

The idea behind an infographic is to have a good balance of both the graphics and the info. But as you would guess, most people go big on info and place two or three attractive visuals to drive the point home. However, the best infographics are ones that have a good balance of both. After all, to qualify as an infographic, it needs to have a little visual pizzazz.

Show, Don’t Tell

Ever heard the old expression “show, don’t tell”? Well, finding that elusive hook to keep your audience engaged isn’t just about creating infographics, you need to show them more than you’re telling them.

Here you’re essentially allowing the reader to experience the piece of content rather than giving them an actual baseline. Rather than simply stating what’s happening, just simply show your audience using interesting but informative graphic design visuals.

Combine Visuals with Hashtag Campaigns

Combine visuals with catchy hashtag campaigns.

Sometimes rather than just incorporating a bunch of visuals, combine them with catchy hashtag campaigns. By doing so you’ll encourage your audience to create and share content around that particular hashtag and in the process boost the number of people talking about you.

What’s more, visual posts designed alongside a particular campaign are more likely to be shared making them a valuable way to pump up your campaign and get your content seen.

Thank Your Audience

What most folks don’t realize is that a thank you goes a long way when it comes to connecting with your audience. I mean think about it. You just started a blog out of the blue, asked people to read a bunch of your weekly blogs and they’ve stuck with you from the get-go. The least you can do is at least thank them for being loyal subscribers.

However, while putting up a typical boring thank you message is great, you shouldn’t stop there. Take advantage of the fact that most people seem to enjoy visual content and whip up an amazing visual aid to help get your message across.

How Do You Determine What Visuals To Use?

Unless you’re Houdini and have a few magic tricks up your sleeves, it’s near impossible to find out what visuals will befit your audience without performing a few tests. Therefore, the first thing you need to do to is to test, test and test. Here, you’ll use different visuals to appeal to your audiences and see what works best for a different audience.

Let’s break it down a bit. No two people are the same. So needless to say, different audiences will react differently to different kinds of visual content. This is why you need to figure out which kind of visual content will resonate best with your audience. It can be as simple as starting out with a simple picture, meme, quote card, infographic or slideshow and then depending on the response you will be able to determine what best resonates with your audience.


Getting people to stick around on your blog is near impossible these days. Leave alone trying to engage with them and develop a relationship with them. There is too much competition and if you don’t have something alluring, people will barely spend a full minute on your content.

But just because the market is saturated doesn’t mean you still can’t engage your audience. You just need to know how to creatively use graphic design visuals to engage with them a bit better. And in this blog post, we’ve laid out how you can do that.

Author Bio

Hemant is a Digital Marketer. He has a keen interest in SEO, Content Marketing and Web Design. He has a passion to get new insights into the startup world and online businesses.

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Infographic: 25+ Major SEO Mistakes You’re Probably Making Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:53:38 +0000 SEO is a necessity that you can’t do without if you have an online business. A well-optimized website helps enhance the user experience, enabling businesses to improve their ranking on search engines. It helps increase brand visibility driving more traffic to your website. It also facilitates faster search engine indexing. However, implementing the best SEO [...]

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SEO is a necessity that you can’t do without if you have an online business. A well-optimized website helps enhance the user experience, enabling businesses to improve their ranking on search engines. It helps increase brand visibility driving more traffic to your website. It also facilitates faster search engine indexing.

However, implementing the best SEO strategies is not as easy as it sounds. There are various Google ranking factors that you need to consider if you want to improve the performance of your website and boosts conversion. Also, SEO is a continuous process and one needs to be up-to-date with the latest changes in order to reduce bounce rate and to steer clear from Google penalty.

SEO mistakes, while a common issue, can have a negative impact on your website if not rectified post-haste. These mistakes can also affect your site’s credibility. Thus, it is important to find and fix them if you want to optimize your website for users and search engines. The below infographic highlights the top 25+ major SEO mistakes that you’re probably making. Some of which are;

  • Website speed and load time.
  • Low-quality content.
  • Missing Alt tags for web pages.
  • Cluttered landing page.
  • Poor link building.
  • Non-mobile-friendly website.
  • 404 errors or broken links.

These mistakes might be the reason for low traffic and a high bounce rate on your website. These common SEO mistakes can also ruin your rankings on SERPs. Thus, make sure that you fix them if you don’t want to lose potential traffic to your competitors.

You can check out this comprehensive guide that explains in detail how to fix SEO mistakes effectively. So, take a look at the infographic now and for reference purposes, download it for free and keep it handy!

25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website [Infographic] by the team at Hosting Clues

Common SEO Mistakes Infogrpahic

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Infographic: 11 Key Elements To Create a Perfect Landing Page Fri, 15 Mar 2019 08:43:46 +0000 As a single goal-oriented page, landing pages help to not only capture potential leads but also help boosts conversion rate. Landing pages are versatile and can be used for SEO campaigns, social media campaigns as well as any other paid campaigns. Best part, thanks to WordPress and the powerful WordPress landing page plugins, creating a [...]

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As a single goal-oriented page, landing pages help to not only capture potential leads but also help boosts conversion rate. Landing pages are versatile and can be used for SEO campaigns, social media campaigns as well as any other paid campaigns.

Best part, thanks to WordPress and the powerful WordPress landing page plugins, creating a landing page for a variety of marketing purposes as also become an easy task. However, to yield the maximum from a landing page it needs to well-optimized and include key elements.

Most landing pages fail to make an impact because of cluttered designed and uninteresting content that doesn’t resonate with the visitors. They also lack descriptive CTAs and social proof. Worse yet, their lead capture form is, more often than not, too long and consists of unnecessary fields.

If you have created a landing page in the past that included these mistakes. Then it was bound to be ineffective. Thus, to avoid repeating these mistakes. Here is an infographic that highlights the 11 key elements that are needed to create a perfect landing page.

The elements mentioned in this infographic are critical to the success of a landing page. By making use of them to design a landing page. You’d be able to effectively increase the click-through-rate and reduce the bounce rate.

From design to content to graphics and more. This infographic is a step-by-step guide to create a well-optimized landing page that converts. For details about each of these elements, you can refer to this guide here. You can also download or print this infographic for free and keep it handy for reference purposes.

Thus, go ahead and check out this infographic now and get started with building a perfect landing page that drives conversions.

The Anatomy Of A (Perfect) Landing Page [Infographic] by the Team at LeadForest

The Anatomy Of A Perfect Landing Page Infographic

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Everything You Need to Know About Creating the Perfect Instagram Profile for Your Small Business Wed, 23 Jan 2019 16:55:56 +0000 Many large corporations take advantage of the benefits that social media has to offer. However, small businesses frequently overlook the potential that social media, especially Instagram, have to aid and grow your brand. Before you can begin thinking about your social media strategy, it’s crucial to raise funding and get your business on its feet. [...]

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Many large corporations take advantage of the benefits that social media has to offer. However, small businesses frequently overlook the potential that social media, especially Instagram, have to aid and grow your brand.

Before you can begin thinking about your social media strategy, it’s crucial to raise funding and get your business on its feet. Then, building your social account will give your business legs. That is, the ability to stay relevant and continue success.

When curating your feed, think more in-depth than a beautiful or interesting image to optimize your online profile, you’ll have to implement the perfect mix that conveys your brand. You can do this by segmenting your account into three parts. Seamless integration of your bio, content mix and engagement strategy will create a big picture of your small business’s brand values and goals.

Curate Your Feed by Segmenting Your Account Into Three Parts

The Perfect Instagram Bio

Be clear and concise in your bio. So your Instagram profile visitors have a coherent understanding of what your company is all about. You can also add functionality to your bio by including promotions, hashtags, and links.

The Ideal Content Mix

In addition to investing in amazing photography, use the tools that the platform has to offer. Incorporating Instagram stories, relevant hashtags, and opinion leaders into your media will increase brand awareness.

The Effective Engagement Strategy

Maximize user engagement by posting at key times, typically Tuesday through Friday, from 9 AM to 6 PM. You should ensure that your feed is aesthetically consistent, but don’t be afraid to source high-quality photos from customers. Posts with giveaways and location tags will also boost your following.

Fundera created this infographic below to provide key insights to perfecting your small business Instagram profile. Instead of posting for fun or because you feel like you have to leverage the power of social media to cultivate more success.

The Anatomy of the Perfect Small Business Instagram Profile

The Anatomy of the Perfect Small Business Instagram Profile

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What You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing Fri, 02 Nov 2018 09:58:13 +0000 Nowadays, the average person spends approximately two hours accessing social media platforms on their mobile devices. This is expected to increase as the platforms develop in the future, further exceeding the time spent on traditional media, most notably TV. Along with this shift, marketers have turned to influencer marketing to leverage the popularity of social [...]

The post What You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

Nowadays, the average person spends approximately two hours accessing social media platforms on their mobile devices. This is expected to increase as the platforms develop in the future, further exceeding the time spent on traditional media, most notably TV.

Along with this shift, marketers have turned to influencer marketing to leverage the popularity of social media stars to advertise their products. People consider influencers as a go-to source of information about new products in a particular industry (fashion, tech, beauty, etc.)

Most of the time, influencers are given access to new products before they are even launched to the public. For example, Huawei Mobile partnered with top tech influencer, Judner Aura to introduce the new Mate 10 Pro smartphone prior to its launch in the US. He gave an in-depth review of the phone to get people excited about the launch.

Judner Aura is well-known and respected for his knowledge of consumer-tech products through his Youtube Channel (UrAvgConsumer). People are more likely to be inspired by him. Trust his opinions and recommendations as he is the subject matter experts. Thus, influencers act as a guide for people before purchasing certain products as a result of their credibility.

If you were to purchase a digital camera today for the purpose of capturing special moments for your next holiday. You would most likely look up product reviews online before you visit the store. A research from Brightlocal confirms that 85 percent of consumers are trusting online reviews, similar to personal recommendations.

All in all, social media has paved the way for marketers to utilize influencer marketing as 74% of consumers are adopting social media to make purchase decisions. So, spending a dime for the right offer and influencer in social media is a worthwhile investment. To explore more about influencing marketing, make sure to check out the infographic below.

Influencer Marketing Facts You Need To Know

Influencer Marketing Infographic
Courtesy of: Milkwhale

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11 Tips on Finding the Right Infographic Ideas Mon, 24 Sep 2018 16:53:17 +0000 Infographics are a great way to deliver content in a snackable format which makes them easy to share. They are great long-term investments for any website. According to a study by Hubspot, infographics are three times more likely to be shared than other types of content on social media which translates into more traffic and [...]

The post 11 Tips on Finding the Right Infographic Ideas appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

Infographics are a great way to deliver content in a snackable format which makes them easy to share. They are great long-term investments for any website. According to a study by Hubspot, infographics are three times more likely to be shared than other types of content on social media which translates into more traffic and backlinks.

With so many infographics and new content being published every minute, creating an infographic that stands out isn’t an easy feat which is why having a memorable topic is essential. A common pitfall is many people rush the process of picking topics and end up with a mediocre infographic.

Without any thorough research, an infographic wouldn’t be interesting to read since it lacks in-depth. No matter how good an infographic looks, a topic that doesn’t provide value to an audience isn’t worth reading.

The Narrower, the Better

Furthermore, finding the right target audience is the first step for coming up with the right infographic idea. Using a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to ideation isn’t effective just like how an extremely broad topic won’t interest a specific audience.

Think about what you’re aiming to achieve with the infographic. Are you trying to explain your product, promote its benefits, or raise brand awareness?

Having focus and direction makes it easier to come up with ideas. Make sure to provide content that’s valuable for the reader. A few examples are tips, extensive knowledge about your brand, and answering customer questions

Keep yourself up to date with what’s current. There are many websites and tools you can use to see what people are searching for and what content is being shared the most. Google Trends is a useful tool to see what topics are trending according to people’s searches. Buzzsumo, on the other hand, showcases content and their shares.

For more tips and tricks on finding the right infographic ideas, take a look at the visual guide here!

Learn how to finding the right infographic ideas.

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