Derek Luise WP Pluginsify - Your Weekly WordPress Plugins Resource Wed, 09 Aug 2023 06:47:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Derek Luise 32 32 7 Important Things to Discuss With Your Developer Before Getting Started Mon, 29 Apr 2019 10:03:41 +0000 Developers seem living in their own world, which has its own value and set of rules. This does not mean that they do not approve the traditional marketing tactics. They also want to work in sync but also have their own opinions and reason for it. It is so because every company has its own [...]

The post 7 Important Things to Discuss With Your Developer Before Getting Started appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

Developers seem living in their own world, which has its own value and set of rules. This does not mean that they do not approve the traditional marketing tactics. They also want to work in sync but also have their own opinions and reason for it.

It is so because every company has its own idea of what the Developers’ contribution will be which can encircle anything from a product, outbound marketing, talent acquisition, engineering and so on.

So, it is important to discuss with your developer before making a start. You still don’t have a developer? You can always hire a Latam developer and start your work ASAP.

What Is the Role of a Developer?

The developers, programmers, engineers, digital marketers are now the most sought-after professionals as a shift from the traditional stores to cloud service aid has taken place in the last several years.

But developers stand out among the herd because they are the captain of the ship. Suppose you are designing a new website or an online store, your first move will be to hire a developer. Again, if you want to make some changes or make some add-ons or even want to make some tweaks, developers are the people whom you need to approach.

So, it is very important to discuss stuff with them as there are reasons which can cause tiff and the project can fall apart.

The general issues that can affect your project due to developers are lack of communication which includes slow or no communication, missed deadlines, developers’ false claims that can be over- promises, under delivers, the scope being defined loosely, and also it can be that the developer disappears.

These affect the project and the irony is that you cannot avoid them.

So, what you do? The intelligent thing is to discuss with your developer before making a start. But again, the dilemma is how and what to discuss. It is an entire metaphysical aspect to have the estimate of the future issues and start working on it right now.

Here are the things you need to discuss and let’s begin with.

1. What Will Be the Mode of Communication

There are plenty of ways to communicate- texts, emails, chat, calls and PM software.

Well, this is the first pointer because it has a lot of relevance. There are plenty of ways to communicate- texts, emails, chat, calls, PM software and so on. But with so many options, it creates confusion about where and how to communicate.

Again, it is important to have a roundup which can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly and even daily to discuss the progress and details about the project. It is so because you cannot work on expectations. You might be expecting the results and the development might get delayed due to some glitch. This is common and it really tarnishes the faith and trust.

Communication is the key and you need to stay connected with the developer on the preferred and mentioned way or method.

How Does It Help?

Well, it builds a good rapport and relation with your developer. Slowly it becomes a regime to have complete communication before/ after commencing any kind of work in the projects. The number of communication errors is reduced or eliminated completely.

It strikes a balance between checking in too much or too little.

2. How Will the Developer Manage the Project?

This is not intrusive or meddling at all. You need to discuss with the developer on how will they manage the project and on what platforms. The software, spreadsheets, Google Docs, and other stuff has to be discussed and if required shared before making the start.

This will give you access to the hub of everything and anything related to the project.

How Does It Help?

It saves time if the files, docs, sheets are all shares. All you need is to cast a glance and make the next move and decision. You save time, and effort by not asking for details every time. It also helps you to figure out the progress of the project and make small notes.

3. Who Will Be the Final Decision Maker?

Anything which is on the cloud needs a team.

Anything which is on the cloud needs a team. No one can be the ruling body, but yes you need someone to call the shots. It can be you, the UI or UX team. Again, even if the final decision is taken, you might need someone else’s input to make the final call. All these are important and you need to know and inform the developer about it.

They should know that only approval of you or any other person of the team is not sufficient, in short, they need to be confirmed about the hierarchy of the office. Unless they receive approval from the right person, they should not take the next move.

How Does It Help?

This is very helpful because this is the age of quick and fast communication. It has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. If the developer is conscious of the final decision maker, then the chances of communication gap get eliminated.

4. What Will Be the Timeline?

Well, the timeline is a big thing. You might need to flag off the project as soon as possible whereas the developer needs their own time to finish the work. This needs to be settled in the very initial phase.

However, if you have a hard deadline then make the developer aware of it.

Waiting for a developer to give the date to finish the project can be frustrating but it saves from a lot of contradictions in the future. All you can do is to ask him the reason for the time it will take to finish the project and have an estimate of it.

How Does It Help?

There are deadlines which can be both hard and soft. If these are discussed and elaborated in the beginning, then chances of missing it reduces. Even the developer knows if they require to make a compromise for the quality of work over deadline, then they can inform you if the deadline is discussed with them.

5. Who and How Will the Developer Handle Expectations and Small Decisions?

Who and How Will the Developer Handle Expectations and Small Decisions?

The process of handling a small decision is actually the freedom which the designer has while interpreting the design. It can be from setting the pixel size which has to be perfect or it can be adjusted accordingly.

Again, if the site is responsive, then do they design for all breakpoints or can they leave some points if required. This will enable the developer free to make decision or suggestions.

How Does It Help?

It is quite often that the designers do not find creative satisfaction when the website does not closely match the design. So, they might take more time and so compromise on the project’s timeline. However, it again depends on your requirement of the intended level of detail. It can be both ways; You might want to launch the project on time or else you might want to delay it to get quality work.

6. The Fees and Charges of the Project?

Any project has the hidden expenses which do surface up mostly during mid-way or at the end. It is very crucial because the developer might inform you of the primary expenses but they can be hidden expenses which he might consider that you are already aware of it.

It all begins with the estimation if you are hiring the developer on hourly or at a fixed rate. Next comes the detail of how the payment will go out? The payment schedule and mode as well is all included in the contract.

How Does It Help?

Well, it eliminates all the discrepancy of getting the project ducked at the last moment due to such issues. End of the day the developer is a human and they need the payment for their work. In fact, monetary issues can raise serious problems for the project.

7. What Should the Contract Include?

The contract is a written agreement.

The contract is the written agreement which is built with consent from you as well as from the developer. It provides the information that you both have agreed on it and all the terms and conditions which is related to the topic.

How Does It Help?

There are instances when the projects get delayed or get stuck due to disagreements and conflicts. You need to understand that it is an official bond between you and the developer. It happens that with time the demand of the project increases and then you have to make scope creep.

This can be offensive for the developer and they might feel overburdened. Again, you might sign a developer for certain work but with time the professional can lose interest and do not work dedicatedly on it. So, the contract will be beneficial for both of you as it is the written document between you and the developer.


Well, no one can actually suggest a conversation between any two human beings. But here the communication is between professionals who have a common goal- to finish a project. With these pointers, any kind of issues and conflict can be avoided. So, you do not end your project on an abrupt note.

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5 Ways Cloud Computing Can Change Web App Development Sat, 20 Apr 2019 07:58:17 +0000 Like the internet, today is becoming even more accessible to millennials, the more technological leaders are striving hard to become even more advanced with their techs. And with this advancement, the ways of transferring data, keeping valued information, conveying packet messages and various other services from one vendor to the other no matter what their [...]

The post 5 Ways Cloud Computing Can Change Web App Development appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

Like the internet, today is becoming even more accessible to millennials, the more technological leaders are striving hard to become even more advanced with their techs.

And with this advancement, the ways of transferring data, keeping valued information, conveying packet messages and various other services from one vendor to the other no matter what their global coordinates are, everything is evolving.

Previously, people all over the world used to connect among themselves through ISDNs. But with the advancement of this era, now people can talk to their near and dear ones over the IP paradigm. These new age methods today use the Internet just as a base for their services, and this doesn’t even require accessing remote servers.

One of such new age methods is nothing but what we call Cloud Computing. This might look like a bit confusing at first glance but if you take a closer look, you can easily understand the meaning.

So, “Cloud” tells us of the Internet and “Computing” refers to the computing depending on the Internet. So, this makes it clear that Cloud Computing means nothing but Internet-based computing.

More About Web Apps

Now, the idea of Cloud Computing works in a kind of similar way electric supplied to your house works.

You get the electric energy to run machines at your house from several transformers and this does not require you to build a power source at your house. Similarly, the data that you get from cloud servers do not require you to build any sorts of sources in your house. You get all of that just from the cloud servers.

Through Cloud Computing, data can directly be stored or transferred to several users over the internet through virtual platforms.

The application that your client is being able to operate and preserve over an online server, is what we call a web app. With the ongoing digitization of this world. It is getting pretty vital to crafting several apps that will get operated over the Internet straight by your clients as well as the corresponding hosts. Which contain direct information about the services that are being delivered.

Impact of Cloud Computing on Web Apps

Cloud Computing provides us with numerous incredible benefits.

In any web app development process, it is pretty important that you develop an application that is based on a server. This will empower the developers to share their robust codes globally.

Web-based apps require continuous observation and that also requires the whole team summoned before the corresponding server. Checking for probable issues that are capable of affecting the regular activity of the web application.

Cloud Computing provides us with numerous incredible benefits. And this can definitely put in a much-needed impact on the web app development process.

Now, this is the thing that was much required in this era of Information Technology.

Cloud Computing: Benefits

The reimbursements of Cloud Computing in the world of web app development are not so fickle to be taken frivolously.

Several reports tell us of the fact that working with this brand-new cybernetic platform. Developers can now even approach the bigger portion of the relevant market.

So, let’s check what are the benefits that come with Cloud Computing.

1. Improves Scalability

The one factor that can make a difference between web apps is nothing but scalability.

TBH, the more you scale a web app, the higher goes its capability of handling more users. And, here comes cloud computing as a savior.

Cloud computing is such a platform that helps applications get scaled in a very easy way.

You can do the same either by improving the number of servers or by making improvements with the power of the corresponding hardware.

2. Cutting the Cost

Cutting the Cost

Setting up an on-premise data center for your application or getting it connected with a distant data center. Both will work pretty good for your application but there is a serious issue.

You’ll require spending a huge sum of money to avail both of them.

And that’s of course not feasible at all.

Though with cloud computing, developing applications has turned easier and a lot more cost-effective than it used to be before.

  • No prior investment.
  • Pay according to your usage only.
  • Substitute cloud servers are always present there to tackle connectivity issues.

3. Abundant Resources

There are a good number of resources that are already present there in the cloud servers that work pretty for the developers who work on such web apps.

So, if you are a developer in a VueJS development company, for example, my suggestion for you would be, you better utilize that pre availed stuff before opting to buy resources from any other IT store.

Other than that, you’d never require availing only one tool for a definite purpose. Instead, you get a good number of options and you can choose from just any one of them.

4. The Abundance of Service Models

Software as a Service or SaaS.

You’ll never feel short of service models working with cloud servers.

Usually, they provide you with three types of service models where you can avail a wide-spread platform to craft your web-based applications.

The variants come as, Software as a Service or SaaS, Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS (this is the most popular one) and Platform as a Service or PaaS.

5. Global Expansion

It’s all about being globally updated.

So, if you are into local data centers. Then the scope for your web application to be developed will get bound only to a specific region.

Though using cloud network will help you dodge this issue. Through a cloud network. You’ll be able to access servers globally and that will increase the scope for development for your web application to a global level.

Moreover, with the global reach of cloud servers, you’ll be able to make sure that your customers get the best customer experience irrespective of their global presence.


So, here we are at the end of this article. If you are reading this, then I am sure enough that you have already gone through the benefits of Cloud Computing for Web App Development.

Do share your views with us in the comments section and if you have any further queries, just give us a call or mail us on our business email id.

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7 Hidden Tricks of WordPress Content Optimization Sat, 02 Mar 2019 10:40:28 +0000 Do you properly optimize the content that you are using in the WordPress site? It is a very important aspect to be on the top of the search engine results. Do you know that 80% of the B2B marketers are dependent on the content marketing strategy? Therefore, you can understand the importance of the proper [...]

The post 7 Hidden Tricks of WordPress Content Optimization appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

Do you properly optimize the content that you are using in the WordPress site? It is a very important aspect to be on the top of the search engine results.

Do you know that 80% of the B2B marketers are dependent on the content marketing strategy? Therefore, you can understand the importance of the proper optimization of the content in a blog.

Remember that using only WordPress will not going to help you out unless you are using proper plugins and other optimization tricks. It is beyond the doubt that WordPress among all webmasters stands tall when it comes to content optimization. It helps you to display and promote the content in a proper manner.

Using the right plug-in is one of the hidden tricks to get success when it comes to content optimization.

In today’ post, I will discuss 7 such tricks of WordPress Content Optimization. I challenge that if you can utilize the following tricks properly, nothing can stop your posts to come on the top.

Use Premium WordPress Themes

We recommend using premium WordPress Themes.

We all believe that all that comes for free are not bad all the time but when it comes to professional use, it is better to stay away from the free. It is the same with the themes. If you are looking for proper content optimization, I will suggest going for premium themes such as:

These will help you to stay away from several optimization issues like configuring the meta and title tags.

Proper SEO Plugin

As I mentioned earlier in the post that plug-ins can do wonder when it comes to optimizing the content in WordPress. If you will talk about the best optimization tool then you cannot miss the Yoast SEO plugin.

You can imagine the popularity of this plug-in from the number of reviews itself.

One of the best optimization tool is the Yoast SEO plugin.

Image Source – Neil Patel

Apart from the help in putting meta and other title tags, the plugin will help you with followings too:

  • Page analysis tool.
  • Technical WordPress Search Engine Optimization.
  • XML Sitemaps functionality.

So, next time if you are looking for a plug-in to optimize your content, go for the latest version of the Yoast.

Optimizing Content Keywords

Why do you want to optimize the content? Obviously, your answer will be to be on the search engine top. But remember, your post will only come if it contains the relevant keywords and phrases in proper positions.

Therefore, it is very important to optimize your content with the proper keyword. You must incorporate the keywords and phrases in the title, header tags, alt tags of the images and in the body.

You must remember, that Google robot searches for keywords mostly in these above-mentioned areas. Therefore, if you can properly optimize these key points in these sections, you can surely make a mark, when it comes to rank on the top of the search engines.

Image Optimization Is Also Important

One of the imperative sections of your content optimization is images.

One of the imperative sections of your content optimization is Images. Images are those entities to which visitors used to get hooked.

It is possible that your post contains a number of beautiful images. So do not waste the opportunity. Optimize those images with the proper keyword and key phrases.

Apart from that, you must look at the image sizes too. Remember that a big image file increases the load time so it will be better if you will optimize it properly to diminish the load time.

You can use the plug-ins such as Smush Image Compression and Optimization or ShortPixel Image Optimization for automation of the image optimization.

Get the Difference of Page and Post Content in WordPress

Primarily, WP gives you two different sections to put content in a site and these are Page & Post.

Pages are those sections which usually used as the landing page of the website. Posts is that section, which is predominantly used for blogging purpose.

Remember, these two are a different section, so the approach of posting content as well as optimizing them should be different.

When you are optimizing the content in WP, remember for which section you are going to optimize.

Frequent Optimization Is Often Helpful

Frequent optimization of your Content in WordPress is inevitable.

Do you remember when did you optimize your content last time? Cannot remember? Then, you are losing your business for sure.

Remember, Google is updating the robot at a regular interval. If you will not optimize the content according to the latest rank algorithm robot, you are surely going to miss the opportunity.

Apart from that, every new day, new contents are being submitted into the search engine. Hereby it becomes really important to do some frequent optimization to be in the league.

Remember, only those contents rank top which is praised by audiences. In order to get an appreciation of the audience, you need to give them something new all the time.

Thus, frequent optimization of your Content in WP is inevitable.

Use the Upgraded Version

When it comes to content optimization, you must remember, that your development back end plays an important role. If you are using the outdated versions of WP or PHP while developing, it is very difficult to get rank.

Remember Google always looks for good content but focuses on better user experience.

Thus, if you will use outdated versions, it will be very difficult to get the ranks. So, go for the latest version of the tool and software only.

Final Words

While it comes to content optimization in WordPress, you must focus on the different aspects.

Remember that content optimization is not rocket science. Those contents of your competitors, which are currently ranking are the result of research and implication of the right method.

If you will address the issues that I have mentioned in this post, I am 100% sure that you will get a good rank too.

The post 7 Hidden Tricks of WordPress Content Optimization appeared first on WP Pluginsify.

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